FIRST-LINE LEADER SKILLS TRAINING Must-have Skills for the Millennium "Renée works well with the materials and was good at applying it to different situations and did not rush."
"This was great! I learned how to talk to people effectively." Newly promoted, First-line Leader, Armour Swift-Eckrich Hundreds of first-line leaders have benefited from practicing these must-have skills. Effective Supervisory Interpersonal Communication
The Changing Role of Supervision
Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback
Performance Coaching and Leadership Skills
Planning, Organizing, Delegating (Time Management)
Teamwork: The Tool for Quality and Process Improvements
Team Problem Solving
Conflict Management and the Role of Interpersonal Negotiation
Effective Meeting Management
Process Improvement for Teams/Fast Cycle Time
Each module includes some element of the recommended four approaches to development; personal growth, conceptual understanding of leadership, feedback from self and others, and skill building opportunity. Each module contains learning behavior objectives, lecturette of concepts, interactive discussion, role play or small group activity, and individual action planning to facilitate the transfer of training. Participant materials are provided in a 3-ring binder. A summary of "Behaviors to Look For" is available for distribution to second-line leaders. These behaviors encourage the transfer of training by giving managers information about the new behaviors expected to be exhibited by the participants following training. Managers are encouraged to recognize and reward these behaviors. Satisfied clients include: ![]()
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