Instructions: The following questions will help determine whether or not to use an external consultant for planning and facilitating a change effort in your organizations. Determine the appropriate response to each of the questions below for your organization. A "??" indicates you are uncertain.


Yes No ??
1. Does the manager feel comfortable in trying something new and different?
2. Are employees accustomed to spending time off-site working on issues concerning the work group?
3. Will members of the work group speak up and give honest data?
4. Does your group generally work together without a lot of conflict or apathy?
5. Are you reasonably sure the supervisor is not a major source of difficulty or low performance?
6. Is there a high commitment by the supervisor and work group to achieve more effective team functioning?
7. Is the supervisor's personal style and management philosophy consistent with a Team approach?
8. Do you believe you know enough about the topic to begin a program without outside help?
9. Does your staff feel confident about starting a change effortwithout outside help?
10. Do you have all the available time and ability to facilitate a change effort without outside help?

Scoring: If you have circled six or more "yes" responses, you probably could have a successful change effort without a consultant. If you have four or more "no" responses, hire a consultant. If you answered "yes," "no," and uncertain about an equal number of times, talk with a consultant and make a joint decision. When in doubt, use a consultant.

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